Cost Behavior Patterns


Cost driver can be any measurable input that affects the costs of a company, either directly or indirectly. Total production costs are used to set the selling prices for particular products. Thus, if the costs are inaccurate, the profit forecasts will not be accurate, and the whole accounting system of the particular organization will be subject to errors. Managers can specifically and exclusively identify direct costs with a given cost object​ (that is, directly trace​ them) in an economically feasible way. Indirect costs cannot be so identified.​ However, managers can usually identify a plausible and reliable cost driver to use to allocate resource costs to cost objects that consume the resources. When direct tracing is not economically feasible and a plausible and reliable cost driver cannot be​ found, costs should remain unallocated. The process of identifying appropriate cost drivers and their effects on the costs of making a product or providing a service is called​ ________.


After you get the figures, you would be able to see how your cost per unit has changed with changes in your production strategies. Activities consume resources while customers, products, and channels of production consume activities. Understanding this is fundamental to the cost allocation concept using cost drivers. The profitability of each customer can also be easily evaluated using cost drivers, and in cases of resource constraints, the less profitable order can be eliminated. Resources should be allocated to the most profitable activities or in proportion to profitability. To compute variable cost per unit, divide total variable cost by the number of units produced.

Are there fixed costs in the long run?

As a result, cost drivers are most relevant in the ABC costing system. The cost of each activity is apportioned to specific products or lines of production, based on resources consumed by cost drivers. A cost driver is a factor that creates or drives the cost of the activity. Show how changes in cost-driver activity levels affect variable and fixed costs. Why did the analysis yield lower savings than the initial estimate? Most of the costs were committed fixed costs (e.g., teachers’ salaries and benefits) and could not be eliminated in the short term.

Which curve affects variable cost?

An increase in Variable costs, shifts AVC Curve and MC Curve upwards.

\n\nAs the activity level changes, don’t confuse total variable costs with variable costs per unit. \nVariable cost per unit describes the relationship between the cost driver and total cost .

How Cost Drivers Affect Variable Costs

If unit sales increase beyond 4,000 units, management will hire additional salespeople and the total monthly base salary will increase beyond $10,000. Thus the relevant range for this mixed cost is from zero to 4,000 units. Once the company exceeds sales of 4,000 units per month, it is out of the relevant range, and the mixed cost must be recalculated. An activity cost driver refers to actions that cause variable costs to increase or decrease for a business. Therefore, identifying what product/service is causing particular costs can help the business to become more profitable by better understanding the specific activities that are driving the costs. If a business owner can identify the cost drivers, the business owner can more accurately estimate the true cost of production for the business.

How accurate, then, is the company’s product cost information if it has become more efficient in its production process? Should the company still be using a predetermined overhead application rate based on direct labor hours or machine hours?

Which of the following best describes a fixed cost?

A cost that remains constant in total with changes in activity and varies on a per unit basis with changes in activity. A cost that varies in total with changes in activity and remains constant on a per unit basis with changes in activity. Classification of costs, manufacturing sector.The Fremont, California, plant of New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc. , a joint venture of General Motors and Toyota, assembles two types of cars . Total costs and unit costs.A student association has hired a music group for a graduation party.


How Cost Drivers Affect Variable Costs hours used has a stronger relationship with firm costs than do units produced. If you, the business owner, can identify activity costs drivers such as the examples above, you can make a more reliable and accurate estimate of the production or manufacturing costs of your business. An activity driver cost driver can influence relevant costs such as the cost of labor, maintenance, and other variable costs. That said, activity costs drivers are usually linked to production or manufacturing costs such as labor costs and manufacturing overhead.

Value Driver and Cost Drivers

They could be combined to revise​ account-based measures for desired improvements in efficiency​ and/or planned changes in inputs or processes. When a firm uses the incremental unit-time model, the cumulative average time per unit in relation to the cumulative average-time learning model’s cumulative average time per unit will be… Cost drivers are output measures of both resources and activities. The more time the machine is used, the higher the cost of maintenance will be. Sure, they can help you in identifying and understanding which activities drive certain costs. This is important as the cost of a product can influence its price and gross profit margin. If your total cost is higher than your total revenue, you’ll be generating a loss instead.

  • To graph the relationship between the cost driver and variable cost per unit, draw a horizontal line as shown.
  • In general, whenever there are fixed costs, the degree of operating leverage decreases as level of…
  • The cost drivers thus are the link between the activities and the cost of the product.
  • \nTo compute variable cost per unit, divide total variable cost by the number of units produced.
  • \nVariable cost per unit describes the relationship between the cost driver and total cost .

Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts.

Fixed vs. Variable Costs

Calculate break-even sales volume in total dollars and total units. A fixed cost that can be changed in the short run without having a significant impact on the organization. A fixed cost that cannot easily be changed in the short run without having a significant impact on the organization. The technological and economic complexity driving the final and true cost of manufactured products is not new, of course. But the presence of viable solutions for cutting through this complexity with design-level analytics represents a novel opportunity.

The main purpose of using cost drivers is to determine which areas require more attention, and how it should be done. Put another way, the amount that goes into producing a specific result can be attributed or linked to each variable that has an impact on the result. Variable cost drivers can come in the form of hourly costs, costs per unit, or batch costs, among others. Determining the relationships among cost​ objects, activities, and resources is the second step in the design of an ABC system. Direct Product costs can generally be easily traced to an individual product. Variable As volume changes over a wide range the total product costs will also change. Sierra Company is trying to identify the behavior of the three costs shown in the following table.